
The Weather Person

"We'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our weather family here in St. George.....

"LGH is our new weather person. The thing that is interesting about LGH is that she has not had any formal training in weather. In fact, she said she thought the JET STREAM referred to the white stuff forming out the tail end of a jet flying in the sky.

"But, we hired her because she is ALMOST FLAWLESS in predicting R*A*I*N. She gets it right almost 100 per cent of the time. Our other weather persons were never that accurate.

"So, LGH, tell us, without even going to weather school, how is it that you can get it right so often?"

LGH: It's quite easy, really. I just wash my windows! I can't predict if it will be a hard, terrible rain, or a light rain, but whenever I wash my windows, within a few hours or days, it rains....sometimes a light rain, just enough to spot and ruin the newly-cleaned windows. Sometimes a downpour, which really gets those windows filthy.

I can wash my windows in a perfect, cloudless sky, or when the weatherman says no rain is coming for months, and poof, once those windows are sparkling clean, HERE COMES DE RAIN!

I don't mean to brag, but I've been good at this for several years now. And, sometimes, I have the dirty windows to prove it!

"It's great to have you on board, LGH. We'll look forward to many years of you letting us know when we can expect the R*A*I*N."

1 comment:

Lauralee said...

That's the way I feel when I fill the gas tank all the way to the top. Like I'm getting ready for a automotive breakdown. Cute post!

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