
Parenting; The Challenge

BB: (About a 15 year old son) "We are so concerned about his addiction to gaming. We took away a lot of his privileges, but he wanted them back. So, I told him he had to do chores around the home like the rest of the family. Among the jobs I asked him to do was to clean the toilet. Whiningly he said, "But, I don't know HOW to clean the toilet!" Then, BB said to her techno son, "Well, then GOOGLE it!"

BP: (91 year old mother/grandmother) "I was so sick of sending birthday checks to my family and NEVER getting a thank you from anyone. So, last year, I sent all the checks purposely UNSIGNED. If the person really wanted the check, he/she would have to send it back to me, and then they would include a thank you. It worked."

VT: "I was so sick of sending my family gifts with never even a response they had received it; much less a thank you. So,this year, I am sending an email to my family members, that I will no longer be sending any birthday gifts/cards."

BISHOP MT: (When asked how his 20 year old son, who left home in anger, was doing.) "I haven't talked to him in over two months...he changed his cell phone number, so we have no way to contact him."

Ahhh, such a challenge, but we all try the best we can. And, we always love them!

1 comment:

Nat said...

A person can learn ANYTHING by googling. Isn't it such a different world? I loved the idea of not signing the birthday check. I hope I can raise my children in a way that they will express gratitude for the kindnesses that are shown them. Parenting definitely is a challenge. A HUGE one.
About the mexican hot chocolate. Bill found it in the mexican food section of the grocery store. The chocolate is solid and it has directions on the package on how much chocolate to add. You add it to hot milk in a blender. Oh, it's so good! Blending it, it gets a nice frothy head. And it has a touch of cinnamon. YUM! We had it again with our dinner tonight. Between this and the spinach drink from Mrs. Olsen, we have been getting a lot of use from our blender!

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