
In Love - with TIVO

"Are you watching Oprah?" she asked when I called her on the telephone.
"No, I never watch it."
"Wanda Barzee's children are on."

Now, my curiousity was piqued. Wanda Barzee, in case you live on a planet far away, was the kidnapper of Elizabeth Smart...and if you don't know who that is, I can't help you - you definitely are from another galaxy.

But, I had a special interest in Wanda Barzee's children because for two and a half years Wanda's niece lived across the street from me. I loved AL; beautiful, extremely talented, and a great neighbor.

So, I wanted to meet - via Oprah - AL's cousins.

It was 3:45. I could get 15 minutes of the interview...oh, so wrong...here's what happened.

Commercial was on when I turned on the tv. I waited - more, more, more commercials.

Finally, Oprah herself appeared, "Have you forgiven your mother yet? .....We'll find out what they have to say after this commercial break."

More, more, more commercials.

Then again Oprah: "Just before the commercial, we were asking if you had forgiven your mother?"

Oldest daughter: "Healing is a....."

Oprah: "We'll continue that thought after this break."

More, more ,more commercials.

Anyway, you get the picture. 15 minutes of the show left on the clock; but, in actuality, maybe five minutes of show - 10 minutes of commercials.

So, that is why I love TIVO, because we do not have to sit through those interminable commercials. Even though we don't watch a lot of tv, thank you TIVO, for rescuing RAH and MOI from those long, long, long, long commercial breaks.

And, another thing; thanks to Jordan enlightening us, we now can watch Netflix movies/tv shows through our tv/TIVO. Oh, it is slick.

RAH said, "When our friends come over tonite, can you get us a good movie?"

I look on the Netflix list on the computer, click the blue ADD button, and presto, the movie or tv show is instantly on our tv. Granted, there is not a huge variety of newer stuff available for instant viewing, and we'll still order movies that arrive in our mailbox, but this is pretty slick indeed.

Thanks for the heads-up, Jordan!

Speaking of Jordan, he introduced us to my newest favorite extinct tv show; it's British; it's snarky; and it's called DOC MARTIN....fun, fun, fun.


Ms. Fish said...

where does Jordan come up with all this stuff? I agree. I love TIVO too. Especially when you pay for it and we get to reap the benefits. haha.

Hey have you heard about the new version of Jane Austen's Emma. It is free on PBS Masterpiece theatre until March. Check it out. It looks lovely.


Lauralee said...

Don't have TIVO, but I do love my DVR which is just about as good.

I watched the entire Oprah with Wanda's children and found it fascinating. The whole thing was a tragedy for everyone involved.

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