
Why I Love Wednesdays

I get up early; exercise if time....

get dressed in a dress;
(a person doesn't have to wear a dress to the family history center; in fact, I'm the only one who ever wears a dress, but I like wearing dresses, and I have no pants that currently fit - thank you very much. Today, I wore a funky new black and white skirt with elastic waistband that cut off the circulation to my lower body. I thought I might be rushed to emergency, but I made it through the morning.)

head out to the family history center to be there by 8:40.

And, just enjoy the rest of the morning.

It's so fun to help the patrons. Some very skilled at computers, some with little or no keyboard experience, but all wanting to gather their family history. It's truly beautiful and inspiring to me.

Today, I was working with a lady - about 75 - who was so impatient when the computer wouldn't respond instantaneously or before. It just made me chuckle because here's a lady who grew up without anything remotely like a computer, but she wanted the information NOW, NOW, NOW!

I also took a class on GOOGLE. Awesome, helpful, and it included things that Jordan had shown me before, and encouraged me to use, but I forgot!

I love the missionaries, the volunteers, the patrons, and just the general atmosphere.

So, now you know why I love Wednesdays!


Lauralee said...

Yep, I sure do. Sounds very fun indeed.

Nat said...

I can think of few places that would be so amazing to spend the day. I bet it is just a spiritual lift to your day and so very fulfilling. I love family history and hope to do more in the future. I'm glad you have such nice Wednesdays.

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