
From the Past

Annual Credit Union Dinner...good food, long presentations about the status of said credit union.

For years, the manager of the credit union gave a mandatory report with facts and figures about how our CU was doing. He used overhead transparencies. They were professional, neatly done; sometimes he'd throw in a cartoon to keep our attention. But, you could see him change the transparency, try to get it centered just right on the overhead projector, etc., etc., etc.

Then -one year- said manager got up to give the report. The big screen appeared at the front of the room.

Instead of blah blah color on a transparency, a dark rich blue appeared on the screen. Then, !POW! headlighting bullets would appear; next words would slide onto the blue background.

I craned my neck to see the overhead projector....couldn't see it. Shane didn't seem to be fidgeting with transparencies, but WHAT WAS HE USING TO CREATE THIS INCREDIBLE PRESENTATION?

I asked the people around me at the table? How is he doing that? Look at how amazing those slides/transparencies/whatever/ are. HOW DOES HE DO THAT?

Looking back to that moment, probably in the 1990's, it seems absurd to have been so astonished at what is now commonplace. But, I remember that night, that awe, that incredulity...for I had just seen my very first

1 comment:

Lauralee said...

How about the well-used DITTO MACHINE? That was another workhorse back in the day.

It's so HARD....

 for me to go to church and be filled with the spirit and come home and see something that my kids or grandkids have posted on social media....