
Jaw Dropping

Okay, here's the deal:

there are over ONE BILLION people in China.

That is a number we cannot even begin to comprehend.  It boggles the mind.

So, that makes this coincidence even more astounding and amazing.

In February of 2011, Allen and I went on a tour of an area in China called Kunming; it is very beautiful and has lots of ethnic Chinese living in the area.  It is a popular tourist destination.  BUT, it also has lots of people in the area.

So, can you even imagine my shock and awe when I was reading Allen's cousin's blog and saw this picture from a trip he took to Kunming in 2012?

Mike Anderton captured this image in the summer of 2012

I immediately recognized that face....because Allen had taken a picture of that exact lady one year earlier...here is Allen's picture from 2011:

Allen Hackworth captured this image in Feb 2011

It totally blows me away that we would have the EXACT SAME LADY in a picture.

If you think about the chances, you will realize just how astounding it really is....

Of all the people in a large village, how did both of those men just HAPPEN to take a picture of that one old lady with character written all over her face?

Well, I can only say this....



KRose said...

I think it's unreal she's wearing the exact same outfit which leads me to believe she's a wax figure and the chamber of commerce has placed these "character dummies" throughout the village to promote public awareness about the dangers of no sunscreen

Anonymous said...

We could think that if only wax figures moved their eyes. Ha! That really was such an amazing coincidence.-EMerrill

Anonymous said...

She is a tourist magnet! KA (the cousin who took the matching photo).

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