
Tuesday Triumph

It happens so rarely.

One in a bazillion.

But, for one tiny second, it happened today.


 the lady truck driver who lives in her truck after her husband took the $90,000.00 they had in a joint account; the single homeless mom living at the care & share who was disowned by her family; the man imprisoned 4 times - who with his pregnant girlfriend - has been clean for two weeks;  the mentally handicapped man; the father of six who was evicted after Christmas and is living in a 3 bedroom home with his mother, grandmother, sister, making 11 people in the tiny town home....

all needing jobs.

So, it was a thrill when an employer called to tell about a temporary job.  I looked around the room and saw N.  Allen was helping him get registered at ldsjobs.org.  I knew NOTHING about him or his qualifications, but....

I just happened to ask him if he would be interested in an immediate temporary job.  He made the call right there and he will be working starting Friday.

It's only temporary, but it was a perfect fit.  It's a small start for N who needs a job badly - as they all do.

BUT, at long last,

someone on our watch got a J.O.B.

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