
Solving Other People's Problems

Sometimes when I'm with my friend, Maia, she shares her frustrations with me.

She's a mother of three young girls and according to her, she's very disorganized.  She once paid a lady some money to come to her home to help her get organized.  According to Maia, it's all gone by the wayside, and was basically for naught.

Maia gets her girls off to school, then visits with girlfriends for a couple of hours via phone, then does computer stuff.  When her husband arrives home early afternoon from a very long grueling day of work, he comes home to a disorganized mess, no dinner, and is always wondering what in the heck Maia did all day?!?!?!?!??!

So, this morning, I was telling Maia what she should do every morning...without fail.

As soon as her daughters leave for school, she should NOT go into her office/computer room...not yet.

First, she should clean the kitchen...this is essential.  This would include cleaning one shelf in the refrigerator, sweep the floors, do the dishes, wipe the counters.  Get the kitchen clean...that would help her FEEL better.

Then, put dinner in the crock pot.  There are so many great meals that can be fixed in the crock pot, and no matter what happens the rest of her day, she has dinner under control.

Put in a load of laundry and fold a load of laundry.

Make sure all the beds are made and the toys in the family room picked up.

THEN, she can head to the computer to work on whatever it is she seems to get distracted with very day.  Do her exercising, schedule meetings, phone chat and text, etc., whatever.

But she has to do those few essentials FIRST RIGHT OFF!

I thought it was great advise.

Too bad it was all in my head, and she'll never hear any of it.

Oh, it's so easy to solve other people's problems!

1 comment:

Mrs. Olsen said...

If anyone could give advice with a dose of love, it would be you.

Try it as a good suggestion.

Also, as one who finds herself today on the computer with dirty dishes and laundry, I think I'll get on it so my afternoon goes more smoothly, for me AND the office-dweller and little students. Have a great day!

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