
Mission Mondays

Too busy to get lunch today.  Many days are like that.

I spent some of the morning putting jobs into the computer at ldsjobs.org.

Then, I helped people.  There is always more to do than I can get done in the time we are there.  So, I guess it would be correct to say that I'm rarely bored....

I didn't have time to write to our new job candidates, which is something we try to do each day.

However, here's a tidbit of information that was fun.  I learned today while serving a mission at the LDS Employment Center that Jenni has been called to be the Young Women's President!!!!!!

Ha!  I wonder if she would have ever told me.  Here's how that played out.

A bishop came in and someone mentioned that he was from Hurricane.  Since that is the stake that I am over, I asked what ward, and when he said, 3rd, I said, "My daughter lives in that ward."  And, he told me then that he had just called her to be the YW president.  I told him she will be fantastic!  Well, the truth is that whatever job she has, she is fantastic!  And, that's not just because I'm her mom....she's just good at everything.

Then, it was back to the task at hand...helping people.

I helped 2 interesting and unique people today.

One, a truck driving lady whose wife was home with their 2 kids.  First time for me to help a lady who has a wife.  But, we just help...no questions asked, no politics, no religion...we are there to help.  However, her prospects look bleak.  She just moved here from North Dakota where she had a great job driving truck, but her family wanted to move here, so she left a good job to move here - for the right reasons - to be with her kids, but, oh, the pickings are slim!  Good luck, T.

Next, an absolutely delightful man came in.  His appearance startled me at first.  He's in his 50s with long, heavy beard.  He was absolutely fun, but in need of a job.  He is a skilled carpenter, but can't get work, and his age works against him.  He has taught primary for over 30 years (not in a row, but accumulative) and he loves it.  He whipped out his temple recommend when I needed his membership number.  He was great.  Oh, I want him to get a job.

Where is that magic wand when I need it?!?!?!?!??!?

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