
What I Believe

I was listening to the Doctrine and Covenants on Saturday morning.

I was totally overcome with a burning testimony of its truthfulness.

Who knew in 1833 that tobacco could be so harmful?  Until the 1960's or so, doctors were recommending to their patients to smoke certain brands!

JOSEPH SMITH could not possibly have foreseen the evil consequences of tobacco....particularly with regard to verse 4

Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence ofaevils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts ofbconspiring men in the last days, 

That statement has proved over and over to be so prophetic from the tobacco industry corporations who insist that tobacco is not addicting to the doctors who will sell their souls to testify that tobacco is non-addicting.

However, it is not just the Word of Wisdom that inspires me...so many other sections just speak to my soul:

Section 25: where the Lord counsels Emma Smith to make a collection of hymns:

For my soul adelighteth in the bsong of the cheart; yea, thedsong of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads.

The Lord gives such marvelous counsel, advise, wisdom that applies to each of us.

I am so grateful for this book of modern-day scripture...what a great blessing to have it.

And, I know that it is true.  I feel it so strongly in my heart...I cannot deny it.

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