
As Easter Concludes....

I want to bear my testimony...

I am so grateful for the Saviour, his Atonement and the Resurrection.

There are not many days when I don't think about my parents.

I miss them constantly.

But, I KNOW that I will see them both again...what a glorious reunion that will be.

I will ask my dad to sing for me.  I will ask my mom to tell me the stories of her travels in Europe.  I will rejoice in being with them; such good, dear parents.

And, I feel so grateful for a Saviour who did this for me.

I am so grateful for Easter and all that it means.

Thank you, Heavenly Father.


jeremy said...

I loved this post. Thanks Mom.

jeremy said...

Thanks Mother. I loved this post.

Best Family Ever!

  Latest Zoom call.  I love these great people.  Good, good GOOD.  How did I get so blessed?!?!?!