
Two Differing Styles

They couldn't be more different in their decorating styles.

Both are immaculate housekeepers.  Both keep their home tidy, tidy, tidy.  Nothing is out of place; closets and drawers are organized.

But, after that similarity, they are on opposite planets....

Which do you think you prefer?

DC's home is very beautiful and she could be a professional decorator.  There are pictures; knick knacks; throw rugs; furniture; accent lamps and pillows in every corner of her home.  She keeps her table set, her kitchen has lots of decor on the countertops, cabinets, etc.  Her bedrooms are filled with pictures, figurines, massive curtains, and large pieces of furniture; and the master bedroom has one accent wall painted a deep red and there are loads of pillows on the beds.  The bathrooms have more knickknacks and tasteful items on the counters. If I were to use a word to describe the decorating style, I would say BIG, she has large pictures, large statues, a baby grand piano as you walk in the door, a ginormous mirror on one wall; things are just BIG in her home.  Even the basement is elaborately decorated! It is really a home show type of home.  And, it is all very tastefully done.

SC's home is the total total opposite.  It is very stark compared to DC's.  Her dining room has a dining table with chairs, 2 rocking chairs, and a hutch.  It's bright and cheery, but it is limited to functionality, even though there would be room for more items.  Her husband's office has a desk and a chair and a very small plain shelf with a few items.  The kitchen has NOTHING on the counters.  Her pantry was the most organized pantry I have ever seen (outside of a magazine, and those aren't real life!)  I can't even really describe her pantry...it was simply amazing and organized, as is every drawer in her home.  The bedrooms have a bed and a nightstand.  In fact, two of the closets in her home are totally EMPTY! Nothing, but hangers is in them!?  Her clothes closet was incredible.  She doesn't have a lot of clothes; very few compared to most women (which is really great, actually!), but it was totally, as you might imagine, organized.  The only books I saw in the entire home were the scriptures on the nightstands.  The walls in the hallways and in the bedrooms have nothing on them.  There are high decorator shelves, which have a few items on those.  She showed me her sewing closet; I was blown away.  It was so neat and tidy.  (She makes many, many quilts - also neatly organized in closets in the garage.)  She discards easily and rarely keeps receipts, etc.  Her front room was also like the rest of the home; very little extra besides the basic furniture, but she did have lots of family pictures framed and on display on their tv hutch.  It's all the same light color throughout, as is the carpet.  She once told me you could eat off her floors, and after seeing it, I believe it.  It has the feel of simple; very very simple.

So, which style appeals to you?

For me, I'm somewhere in the middle.

But, I do wish I could be as organized and tidy as those two women...now, that I'd like to be as extreme  as they both are.  I work at it, but it eludes me somewhat.

Here's to differences and to finding our own style!

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