

When did an entire generation begin to feel


It certainly was not my father's generation...they worked and scraped and saved and worked some more.  They believed in earning their money.  They saved everything; money, empty cartons, bottles, clothes, cars, keys, pencils stubs, papers.

Was it my generation?  Are we the ones that started thinking we were OWED something?  I don't think so....we were still working hard, putting in hours, not as many, however.  And, we were reaping the rewards of more leisure time.  We had discretionary income, times were good, so .....

Did we decide that we didn't want to be so financially conservative and save so much that we started giving in to our children's every demand for "STUFF?"  We had a car, a home, a little money in the bank, so why not let our children enjoy the fruits of our hard work...we certainly didn't want to be like our parents and save, save, save.  The good times seemed endless.

The government certainly played a hand in all this also.  They began "handing out" for those who didn't have.  And, so, why would anyone work for it, if it's free?!?!?!?!?

And, sadly that attitude began to creep into a general populace.

Work is no longer seen as the great blessing it is.  The absolute thrill of working hard, receiving a paycheck has been lost somewhere along the way.

Playing games all day and watching endless hours of reality television have made us fat, lazy, indifferent, angry, insensitive to others, careless of our possessions, egotistic, and most of all, we see


as our RIGHT.

But, that thinking is so


And, I don't know how it will play out.  It's rather scary for me to see that happening in such a short time from my father's lifetime of goodness, saving, serving, giving, nurturing, caring, working.

I do not want to EVER, EVER, EVER feel


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Best Family Ever!

  Latest Zoom call.  I love these great people.  Good, good GOOD.  How did I get so blessed?!?!?!