
The Budget Dilemma/Question

Okay, here's the deal...we have a budget.

It works well for us.  It's very helpful to track spending.  I enjoy the challenge of monitoring expenses and staying within the budge.

So, here's the question:

If we do not spend all the allotted money in one category, is it okay to use the money from column A to  spend in Column B?  But, then, that doesn't really honestly reflect what we spent in each category...

Let's say column A is gas, and our allowance is $100, but in a certain month, we don't drive a lot and only spend $45.

Column B might be gifts and I need more gift money one month.  So I take the extra $55 from gas and use for gifts.

But, the monthly total says we spent $100 for gas, when in reality we didn't.  But we DID stay within the total budget figures.  

It's confusing.

I need a personal accountant.

1 comment:

Lauralee said...

Every bit of extra money (coins!) I have leftover I put right into my savings account. If I am short in a category, then I suck it up and make the budget work and do not add to it. Hard to do sometimes.

There is always an exception and for me that is gasoline for my car. I cannot do without reliable transportation and always keep the tank at a safe level, especially as I am alone. We have free buses in Logan, but in the winter that just won't work for me as I am such a whiner about the cold.

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