
An Epiphany

"Recently," my neighbor told me.....

" I was feeling really sorry for myself.  No one seemed to appreciate what I did for them or even appreciate me," she added.

"I had given some children a Halloween treat; no response.  I had taken a neighbor some home-made items; no response.  My long-time friend became unfriendly and didn't want to interact with me any more.  Another friend told me she didn't have time to even go to lunch over the next few weeks.

"I was at a very very low point, sort of feeling sorry for myself and certainly not appreciated.

"And, then on a beautiful autumn morning as I was having those thoughts, I thought about the Saviour and the millions of people who do not appreciate Him or what HE has done for them.

"I was ashamed, embarrassed, and humbled.  And I resolved that I would try harder to be appreciative of others was well as of the Saviour.

"It was a very significant moment," she told me in reverence.

 I went away reflective and grateful.

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