
Money Matters

Since we moved in the neighborhood 7 years ago, I have been intrigued by the Cees.

They are very interesting, good, committed to the Gospel, fun, talented, family-oriented, happy, good neighbors, empty nesters, like us.

But, there is one thing that totally puzzles me about the Cees.

They are always crying about money - or rather the lack of it.

So, when Ms Cee goes on a 10-day trip to Florida to visit her sister, I'm wondering....

When Mr. Cee buys a camper/trailer (although small), I'm wondering...

When Ms Cee buys a $500 bedspread for the small camper trailer, I'm wondering.....

When Mr and Ms Cee fly to Puerta Vallarta for a week's stay at a resort, I'm wondering....

When I see that she has new clothes, new jewelry, new home decor, it always makes me wonder....

When they mention their eating-out habits, I'm curious.....

And, no, truly, I am NOT jealous.

I'm happy they get to buy, go, do all those things...hooray for them!  It's always fun to hear about their adventures and life style.  I enjoy being around them.

But, there's such a disconnect between the clamor and the behaviour, it just makes me wonder....

That's all....just wondering.


Lauralee said...

You can never be too thin or too rich! Some never have enough and are never satisfied.

Jenni said...

Interesting.... I'm wondering too!

I know someone who says no matter how much money they have (or don't have, rather), they will never change their lifestyle to avoid traveling and adventure. They feel it is so important to living life that it doesn't matter what kind of debt they need to get in to do it.

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