
SHOCKING - or Aging Takes Its Toll


- that's the only word I can find to describe it!

I'm doing family history; more specifically, I am scanning pictures into family search.

So, the shock factor is seeing


so beautiful  .....


and then seeing the same person as an older lady:

Still wonderful, still good, still kind, still the same person at heart, 

But, it's just such a reminder that aging - affects us all.

And, I don't like it!


Lauralee said...

Young and old, Hannah looks beautiful to me! Such a lovely face.

Anonymous said...

I am with Lauralee. The Western culture is far to invested in physical appearance and youth as emblems of importance.

It should never be considered something which can be 'liked' or 'disliked'. It just is.
Besides, getting old, and looking so, is still better than the alternative - ie: death.

I apologise if my moniker offends.

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