
Eating Out

On our one-year wedding anniversary, RAH and I went out to dinner.

I thought that was the height of luxury...to eat out.

I still remember where we ate (not what, but where), and who went with us.  I dressed up in my Sunday clothes....

It was an E.V.E.N.T.!

We were college students living on a very strict budget and I was married to Mr. Financially Conservative, so it was a BIG DEAL to eat out.

When we were raising our children, we rarely ate out.  It was a luxury we could ill afford.

Going to the pizza parlour for FHE on a Monday night was a BIG DEAL and I looked so forward to it.

When we drove the 50 miles to go to the temple, we would eat out in Idaho Falls, Idaho, and I had great anticipations of that night out.

NOW, eating out is part of the American Way...

it is done in great frequency by young couples, families, retired persons.

It is no longer a BIG DEAL.

People eat out whether they can afford it or not.  Eating out is even done by the poorest of the poor because they can get a filling meal at McDonald's for very cheap.

I still love eating out.  I love to order something, have leftovers, and eat it the next day; ah, another meal I don't have to fix!  I like that.

But, in my mind's eye, nothing can quite compare with that first restaurant meal that RAH and I ate across town on Sep 9, 1965!

1 comment:

jenni said...

boy you are right. my how times have changed. it is kind of sad that it isn't "special" any more. what a great memory for you!

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