
A Visit to a Monastery

Many years ago, my good friend and I visited a monastery up in the mountains.  We were both young with small children when we went on the tour of this unique hide-away.

The monks had taken vows of silence and could speak together only for a brief portion each evening. One monk was appointed as spokesperson when visitors came to see the monastery.  The monks supported themselves by gardening and selling the produce at local markets, but they did not talk.

As we got in our car after the visit, my friend remarked, "They have chosen a very challenging and tough life."

  "In my opinion," I countered,  "they have chosen a bleak, solitary existence.  But, it is not a challenge.  To me, the challenge is to fight the fight of daily life...

"to be a parent and wrestle with children over clothes, homework, friends, etc.

"to have a job where the boss and co-workers are hard to get along with and yet, still try to communicate and work things out.  To have a job where lives are at stake, where chances for dishonesty abound, yet to remain true to one's self....to work day in and day out at a job that is less than ideal....

"to try to provide for, nurture, care for a family. 

"to make contributions to a community even though our efforts are negated in the press or by others.

"to struggle each day to be cheerful, kind, considerate, honest, and yet, be a part of LIFE.

"To me, that is much  more of a challenge than to garden in silence and pray on one's knees all day long.  

"Truthfully, I see as the greater challenge and commitment, the FIGHT in the world; to teach, to train, to nurture, to love, to care for, to be in the thick of this battle of life.

"That is the challenge."

And, I still feel that way now these many many years later.

Escape into a world of solitude with no interaction seems an easy way out.

To remain in the heat of the battle; ah, now there's the challenge.

1 comment:

Inklings said...

You are absolutely right.

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