
Christmas 2011

When Allen Sun (who was in America for one year studying at Stanford) emailed to see if he and his daughter could spend Christmas - and a few days - with us, I was very nervous for a couple of reasons:

1.  Christmas was on a Sunday; should we take this Communist to church with us?
2.  What would we do while he was here?
3.  What gifts should we give this Chinese teenager, who could buy anything we have HERE over THERE - and for lots less money?

I was very concerned;

As it turns out, I needn't have had any worries.
Allen and his daughter Cindy enjoying one of Allen H's signature delicious breakfasts.

Quite the opposite in fact - it was a wonderful experience in every way.....we had plenty to do...

Allen and Cindy Sun enjoying Zion National Park; it was perfect weather while they were here!

MOI with Cindy Sun; you can't tell in this picture, but just in honor of the occasion of having the Suns with us, I am wearing my Chinese shirt that I got in the Guangzhou airport....and it says Guangzhou, which is the city where Allen and Cindy are from.  I thought it was appropriate to wear whilst they were with us!

Allen loved driving Allen's boat....great day in Southern Utah!

The Chinese eat a lot of pineapple, so they are experts at cutting it up; here Allen Sun shows me how it's done!

And, yes, they went to church with us; afterwards, Allen Sun said; "That was a very nice experience...people were so friendly and so kind."

Yes, it was a memorable Christmas...

Okay, now it's time for Let's Dance!  Even Allen Sun got in on the action.....he had a lot of fun doing this.  In fact, I think he had a lot of fun with everything we did while he was here.  It was fun for us too!  After all he had done for us in China, it was good to be able to show him a good time.  One night, we went to the China Buffet; he really LOVED that!

Of course, we had to go see the Fishers in Hurricane; we drove around to show Cindy and Allen Christmas lights, then made a stop at our favorite decorated home in Hurricane....

And, Allen even seemed happy with his gift...

SOCKS, of course....(AND, a few other things too!)

In fact, Allen Hackworth just got an email from Allen Sun remembering that Christmas of two years ago and thanking us for the denim shirt which he says he wears a lot.

What a memorable Christmas!

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