
Weighing the Cost

In March 2011, I bought an ITouch, for about $300.

I didn't even really know what purpose it would serve, but I had had a little IPod, and liked the music features.  RAH thought it seemed pricey for a little music player, but he said it was okay to get it.

Since buying that little gadget, I have used it nearly every day.

I take it to the gym and:

read books (Jesus the Christ, which I am almost finished with)
listen to free ebooks from the library (man, I've heard some great ones!)
watched videos from BBC through ITunes.

We have listened to dozens of pod casts while driving.

I've used it for email, games, church work.

And, yes, I have actually even used it for music!

I think I have totally gotten my money's worth....because I have used it for nearly three years and I intend to keep using it for a very long time.

I have other items that I think I've gotten my money's worth;

an expensive pair of shoes that I wear nearly every day.
a very inexpensive mini tablet - from a brand no one has ever heard of, but I use it literally every single day to read books, read scriptures, play 7 Little words, Words with Friends, read the news, etc. I truly love my little mini tablet which only cost me $129.00 at WalMart.
Computer - my lifeline...truly.

Our neighbors have a huge motor home that they spent bucko bucks for, and have NEVER used.  Until recently when he sold it - at a great loss - that big very expensive motor home sat in his driveway every day, rotting in the harsh sun.

So, here's the deal.  Some things may be pricey, but I think the way to tell the value of an item is to weigh its COST per day usage.

I've made some very bad decisions with regards to spending money, but I have also purchased some items that have been worth every penny.

Those are the deals I like best!

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