
Her Name is Diana...

and she has a handicapped child....

Plus three other children.

Her life is a daily, constant challenge.

Her son is about 8 or 9; he cannot eat by himself, cannot communicate, dress himself, take care of himself like other children  his age.   He makes a constant humming noise all day long.  He is awake until late at night and arises very early each day.  He needs round-the-clock care.  He's not in a wheelchair and is mobile, but his movements are sporadic and constant.  He is easily upset by a change in routine, noises, other children.

Diana's life is not easy, but she has accepted her lot in life.  She knows what lies ahead.

She carries on and lives her life as best as she can.

And, she inspires me.

1 comment:

Jordan said...

Such a tough job!

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