
the Convert

Some family and friends will no doubt be disappointed.

They may even turn their backs on him.

It was NOT an easy decision to make.

And, it has taken him a long time to come to this decision.

But, after months and months of indecision, yesterday he realized it would be better for him personally and for what he really desires in his heart.  He knows this will require new thought processes, new patterns of behaviour.  He is giving up something that has been a part of his life for a very very long time.  This new path he has chosen will NOT be easy.

Please do not judge him harshly, dear family and friends.  It is just one of those personal decisions that must be made in the quiet recesses of our hearts.

We are keenly aware that many will try to talk us out of this decision.  THINK, they will say....do you REALLY KNOW what you are trading and giving up?

However, RAH feels it is the correct path; he knows that he will live with the consequences of his decision for a very long time, but after all, agency is what we have been given in this life.

I am totally in agreement with his decision as I myself made it over a year ago.

We know that there will always be some who cannot understand this decision since we have been lifelong proponents of a far different way of life.  But, at times, it becomes necessary to give in and do what is right in our hearts....so,

Yes, we have become converts;

to Apple computers!

RAH handing over the money for his new MAC computer.....
New haircut and new computer; all in one day; it's overwhelming!

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