
The Monday That Wasn't....

well, that's true in a way.

It wasn't a mission Monday for me.  But, RAH still went.

I'm tending kids, so I couldn't go.
Stockton giving Eli and Miles swim lessons in his gorgeous pool.  He's a fantastic teacher for kids!

But, RAH was very busy doing just what he should do:

HELP people who need it.

Here's something fun.  I was checking our credit card account and I saw that he had gone to lunch...good for him.  But, I noticed it was more money than he would have spent for one person, so I knew he had taken someone to lunch.

I was right.

It was Angel.

Now, here's the deal.  Angel is homeless.  He camps out on some mountain.  He's been coming in to the center for quite awhile.  He needs help, a job, a home, people.

And, it made me feel so proud of RAH....he is so good on this mission.  He is truly committed to helping people; the homeless, the felon, the lonely, the abandoned, the fired CPA, the old; he helps them all.  He spends time with them, he listens, he CARES.  He sometimes calls his job candidates on his off days to help them.  He shows an interest when many don't.  

Oh, he deserves that awesome title: Elder Hackworth.  

And, so while my mission Monday wasn't; RAH's definitely was!


Jordan said...

awesome story

Ms. Fish said...

Oh he's such a good man. As Christlike as they come. And you are too...doing very important work with your grand kids. They will remember making huge indestructible bubbles forever!

KRose said...

Mom- you're so awesome. So is dad. I'm lucky.

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...